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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do certain products need a prescription?

Prescription medications require a prescription because they are considered to be potentially harmful if not used under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian.

  • How do I get a prescription?

Your preferred veterinarian can write you a prescription. Get in touch with them to get a prescription letter with the clinic stamp and vet’s signature. Do note that your clinic may subject you to a small prescription fee. All original copies of prescriptions will be collected upon delivery of medication. We have the right to refuse dispensation upon failure to produce original prescriptions. 

Alternatively, we have partnered with veterinarians to provide video call and housecall consultation services to issue prescriptions if required. Simply click on the "Need a Prescription" button on our homepage, book a consult and we'll do the rest. Do note that consults are subject to consultation fees.  

  • How many times can I repeat a prescription?

This depends on your vet and the prescription letter issued. If there are no written specifications for the repeats, it is only valid for one dispensation.

  • What do I do if I can’t get the prescription from my regular vet?

If your vet is unwilling to write a prescription, then to use our service your other option is to find another vet that is willing to assist you in writing a prescription. Your pet will require a consultation with the new veterinarian before they can write a prescription.

Alternatively, we have partnered with veterinarians to provide video call and housecall consultation services to issue prescriptions if required. Simply click on the "Need a Prescription" button on our homepage, book a consult and we'll do the rest. Do note that consults are subject to consultation fees.  

  • How long is my prescription valid for?

A prescription is valid for either 12 months until all of the repeats are used up or unless your vet specifies a shorter date, whichever comes first. Should there be no specification on the number of repeats, the prescription is only valid for one dispensation only and a new prescription is required for the next order.

  • Can I return my purchase?

There will strictly be no returns of prescription medications. Conditional returns may apply to certain products such as Hill's Prescription Diets, subject to our discretion.

  • What do I do if a wrong product is received?

Get in touch with our team by emailing: or whatsapp +65 8023 6358 and we will sort it out for you.

  • What if I can’t find the medication i want online?

Our range of products and those available for supply is constantly growing, but if there is a product you can obtain from your regular veterinarian that is not listed on our website, let us know as we may be able to source it for you - simply contact us at or whatsapp +65 8023 6358

  • Can I purchase a drug prescribed by my medical doctor for myself?

We do not accept prescriptions from medical doctors. We only accept prescriptions from licensed veterinarians in Singapore.

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