Guide to Every Vet Clinic in Singapore
Your one stop page for a comprehensive list of veterinary clinics and hospitals in Singapore. Our team has compiled vet clinics and hospitals in Singapore that are currently operating, sorted by region and location!
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Ang Mo Kio
Acacia Veterinary Clinic
338 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1 #01-1671 Singapore 560338
Tel: 6481 6889
The Animal Doctors
Blk 108 Ang Mo Kio Ave. 4 #01-94/96 Singapore 560108
Tel: 6451 4531| Fax: 64517531 | Email: theanimaldoctors@singnet.com.sg | Web: theanimaldoctors.com.sg
Mount Pleasant Veterinary Centre (Gelenggang)
2 Jalan Gelenggang Singapore 578187
Tel: 6251 7666 | Fax: 6256 5338 | Email: mpvc@mountpleasant.com.sg | Web: mountpleasant.com.sg
United Veterinary Clinic
107 Ang Mo Kio Ave 4, #01-148 Singapore 560107
Tel: 6455 6880 | Fax: 64550886 | Web: unitebdvetclinic.com
ZumVet Clinic
416 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10, #01-973 Singapore 560416
Tel: +65 3158 3942 | Web: https://zumvet.com/sg/en-US
Chua Chu Kang
The Joyous Vet
Blk 475 Choa Chu Kang Ave 3 #01-30A, Sunshine Place Singapore 680475
Tel: 6769 0304 | Fax: 67697353 | Email: admin@tjv.com.sg | Web: tjv.com.sg
SPCA Clinic *Community Animals Only
50 Sungei Tengah Road Singapore 699012
Tel: 6287 5355| Fax: 63824162 | Web: https://spca.org.sg/services/community-animal-clinic/
Oasis Veterinary Clinic
15 Venus Road, Singapore 574302
Tel: 6256 2693 | Web: oasis-vet.com
Paws N Claws Veterinary Surgery
6 Sin Ming Road, Sin Ming Tower 2, #01-04, 575585
Tel: 8891 4417 | Web: https://www.pawsnclawsvet.sg/
Pets Avenue Veterinary Clinic (Upper Thomson)
193 Upper Thomson Rd, Singapore 574338
Tel: 6259 0555 | Web: https://www.petsavenuevet.com/
Toa Payoh
Care Veterinary Clinic Pte Ltd
Blk 124 Toa Payoh Lorong 1 #01-473 Singapore 310124
Tel: 6250 0535 | Fax: 62500 626 | Email: info@carevetclinic.com.sg | Web: carevetclinic.com.sg
Toa Payoh Vets (Toa Payoh Veterinary Surgery)
1002 Toa Payoh Lorong 8 #01-1477 Singapore 319074
Tel: 62543326 | Fax: 62560501 | Web: toapayohvets.com
Vet Central
Blk 69, Lorong 4 Toa Payoh, #01-357 Singapore 310069
Tel: 6635 8646 | Fax: 66358645 | Email: contact@vetcentral.com.sg | Web: vetcentral.com.sg
VetMedic Animal Clinic & Surgery
52 Jln Malu-malu, Singapore 769667
Tel: 6015 0393 | Web: http://www.vetmedic.com.sg/
Passion Veterinary Clinic Pte Ltd
Blk 111 Woodlands Street 13 #01-86 Singapore 730111
Tel: 6635 8725 | Fax: 66358726 | Email: passionvet@gmail.com | Web: passionvet.com
Singapore Veterinary Animal Clinic
768 Woodlands Avenue 6 #01-11 Singapore 730768
Tel: 6365 0308 | Fax: 63620602 | Web: singvet.wordpress.com
Woodgrove Veterinary Services
10 Woodlands Square #01-41 Woods Square Solo 1 Singapore 737714
Tel: 9648 b0135 | Web: https://wvets.com.sg/
AAVC- Animal and Avian Veterinary Clinic
716 Yishun Street 71 #01-254 Singapore 760716
Tel: 6853 9397 | Email: aavcsingapore@gmail.com
Genesis Veterinary Clinic
Blk 935 Yishun Central 1, #01-43 Singapore 760935
Tel: 6257 0682 | Email: info@genesisvet.com.sg | Web: www.genesisvet.com.sg
Mount Pleasant Veterinary Centre (Mandai)
Blk 236 Yishun Ring Road #01-1010 Singapore 760236
Tel: 6451 5242 | Fax: 64514001 | Email: mpmandai@mountpleasant.com.sg | Web: mountpleasant.com.sg
Yio Chu Kang
Animal World Veterinary Clinic Pte Ltd
16 Yio Chu Kang Road Singapore 545527
Tel: 6286 0929 | Fax: 62860959 | Email: info@animalworldclinic.com | Web: animalworldclinic.com
North East
Clover Vet Clinic
Blk 678 Hougang Avenue 8 #01-503 S530678
Tel: 6518 9678 | WhatsApp: 8748 6168 | Email: ask@clovervet.sg | Web: https://www.clovervet.sg/
Furrytails Veterinary Clinic
Kensington Square, 2 Jln Lokam, #01-13/14, S537846
Tel: 6214 9092 | Web: http://www.furrytailsvet.com.sg/
Spring Veterinary Care
Blk 123, Hougang Ave 1, #01-1412 S530123
Tel: 6286 3313 | Fax: 6280 0160 | Email: enquiries@springvet.com.sg | Web: springvet.com.sg
Stars Veterinary Clinic
211 Hougang Street 21 #01-301 S530211
Tel: 6280 9880 | Fax: 62800680 | Web: starsveterinaryclinic.com
Stars Veterinary Night Clinic
211 Hougang Street 21#01-301 Singapore 530211
Tel: 6280 9880 | Fax: 62800680 | Email: starsveterinarynightclinic@gmail.com | Web: starsveterinaryclinic.com
Apex Veterinary Clinic
418 Northshore Dr, #02-13 Northshore Plaza II, Singapore 820418
Tel: 6518 3233 | Web: www.apexvetclinic.com
Furiends Veterinary Clinic
211B Punggol Walk, Punggol Ripples, #01-627 Singapore 822211
Tel: 6244 2112 | Fax: 62443383 | Web: https://furiends.com.sg
Spring Veterinary Care @ Punggol
681 Punggol Dr., #01-16A Oasis Terraces, Singapore 820681
Tel: 6244 1469 | Web: http://www.springvet.com.sg/
Allpets & Aqualife Clinic
24 Jalan Kelulut, Seletar Hills Estate Singapore 809041
Tel: 6481 3700 | Fax: 64816990 | Email: info@allpetsaqualife.com | Web: allpetsaqualife.com
Bluewater Vet Acupuncture & Rehabilitation Pte Ltd
777 Upper Serangoon Rd, #01-05 Sai Ho Building, Singapore 534645
Tel: 6970 3766 | WhatsApp : 8793 3766 I Email: reception@bluewatervetacupuncture.sg | Web: https://www.bluewatervetacupuncture.sg
Brighton Vet Care Pte Ltd
74 Serangoon Garden Way Singapore 555970
Tel: 6282 2484 | Fax: 62822434 | Email: enquiries@brightonvetcare.com | Web: brightonvetcare.com
Edmond Tan Veterinary Surgery
151 Serangoon North Avenue 2 #01-65 Singapore 550151
Tel: 6282 1581 | Fax: 62848601
Gaia Vets Singapore (Opal Crescent)
5 Opal Cres, Singapore 328400
Tel: 6950 4533 | Web: https://gaiavets.com/
Hillside Veterinary Surgery
787A Upper Serangoon Rd, Singapore 534655
Tel: 6909 5338 | Web: http://www.hillsidevets.com.sg/
Hope Veterinary Care
17 Upper Serangoon Rd, Singapore 534755
Tel: 6518 9116 | Web: http://hopeveterinarycare.sg/
Mount Pleasant Veterinary Centre (North)
151 Serangoon North Avenue 2 #01-59 Singapore 550151
Tel: 6287 1190 | Fax: 64874106 | Email: mpnorth@mountpleasant.com.sg | Web: mountpleasant.com.sg
Pet Clinic Pte Ltd
211 Serangoon Avenue 4 #01-12 Singapore 550211
Tel: 6288 5565 | Fax: 62807717 | Web: http://petclinic.sg/
Westside Emergency Vet (24 Hours)
86 Serangoon Garden Way Singapore 555982
Tel: 6931 0095 | Web: www.westsideemergency.com.sg
Bukit Merah
Atlas Veterinary Clinic & Surgery
Blk 163, Bukit Merah Central, #03-3573 Singapore 150163
Tel: 6980 8038 | Email: hello@atlasvet.com.sg | Web: atlasvet.com.sg
Bukit Permei
P.A.W (People Animal Wellness) Veterinary Centre
Blk 112, Bukit Purmei Road, #01-207 Singapore 090112
Tel: 6273 7573 | Fax: 62787576 | Web: paw.sg
Telok Blangah
Maranatha Veterinary Clinic
77 Telok Blangah Drive #01-234 100077
Tel: 6273 0100 | Fax: 6273 0906 | Email: maranathavet@hotmail.com
Point Veterinary Surgery (Telok Blangah)
38 Telok Blangah Rise #01-339 Singapore 090038
Tel: 6425 6772 | Fax: 62742177 | Web: pointveterinarysurgery.com
Advanced Vet Care & Pet Emergency (24 Hours)
18 Jalan Pari Burong Singapore 488684
Tel: 6636 1788 | Web: advancedvetcare.sg
Island Veterinary Clinic (Northeast)
Blk 123 Bedok North Street 2 #01-154 Singapore 460123
Tel: 6560 5991 | Fax: 6448 4082 | Email: islandvets@ivc.com.sg | Web: ivc.com.sg
Light of Life Veterinary Clinic and Services
Blk 703 Bedok Reservoir Road #01-3508 Singapore 470703
Tel: 6243 3282 | Fax: 64487268 | Web: light-of-life-vet-clinic.webs.com
Mount Pleasant Animal Medical Centre (Bedok)
158 Bedok South Avenue 3 #01-577 Singapore 460158
Tel: 6444 3561 | Fax: 64442787 | Email: mpamcbedok@gmail.com | Web: mountpleasant.com.sg
Pet Care Centre & Clinic Pte Ltd
4 Waringin Park Sin Chuan Garden Singapore 416318
Tel: 6448 5835 | Fax: 64444735
Vet Central (Swan Lake)
9 Swan Lake Avenue Singapore 455708
Tel: 6346 8646 | Email: contact@vetcentral.com.sg | Web: vetcentral.com.sg
East Coast & Frankel
Amber Cat Vet Pte Ltd
48 Burnfoot Terrace, Frankel Estate Singapore 459836
Tel: 6245 5543 | Fax: 62452334 | Web: ambercatvet.com
Amber Veterinary Practice Pte Ltd
50 Burnfoot Terrace, Frankel Estate Singapore 459837
Tel: 6245 5543 | Fax: 62452334 | Email: enquiry@ambervet.com | Web: ambervet.com
Dr Paws Vet Care
77 Lucky Heights, Lucky Court, Singapore 467626
Tel: 62434668 | Email: enquiry@drpawsvetcare.com | Web: https://drpawsvetcare.com/
Frankel Veterinary Centre
101 Frankel Avenue Singapore 458224
Tel: 6876 1212 | Fax: 68761219
Mount Pleasant Veterinary Centre (East)
152 East Road Singapore 428855
Tel: 6348 6110 | Fax: 63487161 | Email: mpeast@singnet.com.sg | Web: mountpleasant.com.sg
212 Changi Road, Singapore 419735
Tel: 6513 8138 / 6513 0836 | Web: https://www.evervetsg.com/
Katong & Marine Parade
ARK Veterinary Rehabilitation
7D Crane Rd, Singapore 429356
Tel: +65 8828 6875 | Email: arkvetrehab@gmail.com | Web: https://arkvetrehab.getlearnworlds.com/
Brighton Vet Care (Katong)
438 Joo Chiat Rd, Singapore 427651
Tel: 6214 9521 | Web: http://www.brightonvetcare.com/
The Animal Clinic Pte Ltd (Katong Branch)
55 Lorong L, Telok Kurau #01-63 Singapore 425500
Tel: 6440 2336 | Fax: 64401812 | Web: animalclinic.com.sg
The Gentle Vet
291 Tanjong Katong Rd, Singapore 437074
Tel: 6655 3970 | Web: http://www.thegentlevet.sg/
Vets for Life Animal Clinic
330B Tanjong Katong Road Singapore 437106
Tel: 6348 8346 | Fax: 63488643 | Email: enquiries@vetsforlife.com.sg | Web: vetsforlife.com.sg
Animal Infirmary
112 Lavender St., Singapore 338728
Tel: 6358 2663 | Web: http://www.animalinfirmary.com.sg/
Barkway Pet Health
169 Macpherson Road 348535
Tel: 6904 4300 /69044301 | Fax: 69044530 | Web: Barkway.sg
Clinic For Pets
1015 Geylang East Avenue 3 #01-141 Singapore 389730
Tel: 6745 1337 | Fax: 67457383
Animal Ark Veterinary Group (Animal Ark Tampines)
139 Tampines Street 11 #01-42 Singapore 521139
Tel: 6587 1797 / 6587 1798 | Fax: 67864506 | Web: arkvet.com.sg
Animal Ark Veterinary Group (Animal Ark TCM)
139 Tampines Street 11 #01-62 Singapore 521139
Tel: 6587 1797 | Fax: 6782 0416 | Web: arkvet.com.sg
Kai Vets
144 Tampines Street 12 #01-392 Singapore 521144
Tel: 69808504 | Web: https://kaivets.com/
TP Animal Clinic & Wellness
21 Tampines Ave 1, Block 8A, Level 1, B Next to Carpark, Singapore 529757
Tel: 6780 6969
The Veterinary Clinic (Tampines)
476 Tampines Street 44 #01-201 Singapore 520476
Tel: 6784 2048 | Fax: 6783 2648 | Email: enquiries@vetclinic.sg | Web: vetclinic.sg
Pasir Ris
Ohana VetCare
258 Pasir Ris Street 21 (Loyang Point) #04-01 Singapore 510258
Tel: 6282 9070 | Fax: 62829075 | Email: enquiries@ohanavetcare.com.sg | Web: ohanavetcare.com.sgif
Ace Vet Care
271 Balestier Road Singapore 329722
Tel: 6258 2159 / 9655 8727 | Email: acevetsg@gmail.com | Web: https://acevetcare.com/
Advanced Vet Care & Pet Emergency (Balestier)
564A Balestier Road, Singapore 329880
Tel: 6565 1788 | Web: http://www.advancedvetcare.sg/
Companion Animal Surgery Pte Ltd
#01-04/05 Shaw Corner, 12 Boon Teck Rd (Balestier Rd) Singapore 329586
Tel: 6255 7950 | Fax: 6251 1910 | Email: clinic@comvet.com | Web: comvet.com
Jireh Veterinary Clinic Pte Ltd
530 Balestier Road, Monville Mansion #01-04 Singapore 329857
Tel: 6266 9566 | Fax: 62669567 | Web: jirehvets.com.sg
Nam Sang Veterinary Clinic Pte Ltd
2 Balestier Road, #01-697 Balestier Shopping Center Singapore 320002
Tel: 6254 8138 | Web: namsangveterinaryclinic.webs.com
Farrer Park
Animal Recovery Veterinary Referral Centre Pte Ltd
466 Serangoon Road Singapore 218225
Tel: 62522623 | Fax: 62522836
RehabVet Pte. Ltd.
513 Serangoon Rd, #01-01 Singapore 218154
Tel: 6291 6881 | Email: hello@rehabvet.com | Website: www.rehabvet.com
Singapore Turf Club Equine Hospital
1 Turf Club Avenue Singapore Racecourse Singapore 738078
Tel: 6879 1000 | Fax: 68791010 | Web: https://racing.turfclub.com.sg/en/veterinary/
Tanjong Pagar
Monster Pet Vet
6 Everton Park #01-14/16 Singapore 080006
Tel: 6327 9148 | Fax: 63279147 | Web: monsterpetvet.com
Tiong Bahru
The Animal Doctors (Tiong Bahru)
11A Boon Tiong Road (Next to Tiong Bahru Plaza) #02-07/08 Singapore 161011
Tel: 6253 3023 | Email: tad_tb11a@singnet.com.sg | Web: theanimaldoctors.com.sg
Beecroft Animal Specialist & Emergency Hospital (24 Hours)
991E Alexandra Rd, #01-27, Singapore 119973
Tel: 6996 1812 | Web: https://www.beecroft.com.sg/
Veterinary Rehabilitation and Hydrotherapy Centre
991E Alexandra Rd, #01-27, Singapore 119973
Tel: 6996 1812 | Web: http://www.beecroft.com.sg/
Beauty World
Kin Veterinary Clinic
780 Upper Bukit Timah Rd Singapore 678125
Tel: 69082980 | Web: https://www.kinvet.sg/
Pets Avenue Veterinary Clinic (Beauty World)
50 Jalan Jurong Kechil, JK Building, Singapore 598578
Tel: 6363 0333 | Web: https://www.petsavenuevet.com/
Vet Practice Pte Ltd
21 Lorong Kilat, #01-04/05 Singapore 598123
Tel: 6462 1757 | Fax: 64685548 | Web: vetpractice.com.sg
Vets for Life Animal Clinic (Jurong Kechil)
182 Jalan Jurong Kechil #01-60/61, The Hillford Singapore 596152
Tel: 6970 7070 | Web: https://vetsforlife.com.sg/
Bukit Batok
My Family Vet Clinic and Surgery Pte Ltd
265 Bukit Batok East Avenue 4, #01-403 Singapore 650265
Tel: 8102 6966 | Web: https://myfamilyvetclinicandsurgery.com/
Vet Affinity
Blk 151 Bukit Batok Street 11, #01-248 Singapore 650151
Tel: 6970 7505 | Email: info@vetaffinity.com.sg| Web: vetaffinity.com.sg
Bukit Timah
Animal Ark Veterinary Group (Animal Ark Binjai)
11 Binjai Park Singapore 589823
Tel: 6467 3287 | Fax: 64623319 | Web: arkvet.com.sg
Animal Wellness Referral Centre (24 Hours)
200 Bukit Timah Rd, Singapore 229862
Tel: 6530 3530 | Web: https://www.awrc.sg/
Brighton Vet Care (Bukit Timah)
611 Bukit Timah Rd, Singapore 269712
Tel: 6235 2250 | Web: http://brightonvetcare.com/
Landon Veterinary Specialists | Pet A&E (24 Hour)
41 Eng Kong Terrace Singapore 599013
Tel: 6463 7228 | Fax: 64683501 | Web: lvs.com.sg
James Tan Veterinary Centre Pte Ltd
230 Whitley Road Singapore 297823
Tel: 6253 1122 | Fax: 62507168 | Web: jtvet.com
Mount Pleasant (Farrer)
3 Queen's Rd, #02-141, Singapore 260003
Tel: 6271 1132 | Web: https://www.mountpleasant.com.sg/locations/farrer/
Namly Animal Clinic Pte Ltd
74 Namly Place Singapore 267223
Tel: 6469 4744 | Fax: 64694844 | Web: https://namlyvets.com.sg/
Pets Avenue Veterinary Clinic
8 Empress Road #01-11 Singapore 260008
Tel: 6471 0111 | Fax: 6471 0154 | Email: petsavenuevet@gmail.com | Web: petsavenue.com.sg
Queen's Veterinary Surgery (Queen's Vets)
3 Queen's Road #02-155 Singapore 260003
Tel: 6475 0038 | Web: queensvet.weebly.com
The Visiting Vets Clinic
9 Taman serasi #01-09 Singapore 257720
Tel: 6475 3405 | Email: thevisitingvets@gmail.com | Web: thevisitingvets.com.sg
Veterinary Emergency Specialty (VES @ Whitley) 24 Hours
232 Whitley Road Singapore 297824
Tel: 6266 0232 | Web: http://www.veshospital.com.sg/
Buona Vista
Animal Wellness Centre
1 Vista Exchange Green, #01-15 The Star Vista, Singapore 138617
Tel: 6694 6383 | Web: http://animalwellness.sg/
Mount Pleasant Animal Medical Centre (Clementi)
105 Clementi Street 12 #01-18/20 Singapore 120105
Tel: 6776 8858 | Fax: 67761678 | Email: mpamc04@gmail.com | Web: www.mountpleasant.com.sg
The Animal Clinic Pte Ltd (Clementi)
109 Clementi Street 11 #01-19 Singapore 120109
Tel: 6776 3450 | Fax: 67735003 | Web: animalclinic.com.sg
The Cat Clinic
109 Clementi Street 11 #01-33 Singapore 120109
Tel: 6873 0014 | Web: https://www.thecatclinic.sg/
The Cat Vet
2 Pandan Valley, B1, #204D, 597626
Tel: 6363 2272 | Web: https://thecatvet.sg/
West Coast Vetcare
612 Clementi West Street 1, #01-300 Singapore 120612
Tel: 6777 7423 | Fax: 677770654 | Web: westcoast-vetcare.com
Ghim Moh
Gentle Oak Veterinary Clinic
21 Ghim Moh Road, #01-225 Singapore 270021
Tel: 6250 8001 | Fax: 6250 8003 | Email: info@gentleoakvet.com.sg | Web: gentleoakvet.com.sg
Holland Village
Vet Practice Pte Ltd (Holland Branch)
31 Holland Close #01-219 Singapore 270031
Tel: 6778 5285 | Fax: 64685548 | Web: vetpractice.com.sg
The Veterinary Clinic (Holland Village)
31A & 33A Lorong Liput Singapore 277742
Tel: 6468 6312 | Fax: 64686257 | Email: enquiries@vetclinic.sg | Web: vetclinic.sg
Canopy Veterinary Centre
1 Yuan Ching Road, #03-03 Singapore 618640
Tel: 6980 8582 | Email: admin@canopyvets.com | Web: https://canopyvets.com
Island Veterinary Clinic
Jurong East Ville, 114 Jurong East St 13, #01-404 Singapore 600114
Tel: 6560 5991 | Fax: 65605619 | Email: islandvets@ivc.com.sg | Web: ivc.com.sg
Point Veterinary Surgery
541 Jurong West Avenue 1 #01-1044 Singapore 640541
Tel: 6425 6772 | Fax: 64256773 | Web: pointveterinarysurgery.com
Vets For Pets
Blk 519 Jurong West Street 52, #01-157 Singapore 640519
Tel: 6569 1627 | Fax: 65673971
Housecall Services & Online TeleVet Consults
Tel: +65 8854 0207 | Email: jessica@pawkit.app | Web: https://www.pawkit.sg/
Tel: +65 8028 9932 | Web: https://www.pawlyclinic.com/
Polaris Veterinary Services
Tel: +65 8787 8313 | Email: hello@polaris.vet | Web: https://vet.digitail.io/clinics/polaris-veterinary-services
Vet On Wheels
Tel: +65 8870 6630 | Email: sgvetonwheels@gmail.com | Web: https://vetonwheels.com.sg/
Tel: +65 9755 2015 | Web: https://www.vetmobilesg.com/
Tel: +65 3158 3942 | Web: https://zumvet.com/sg/en-US
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